Saturday, September 28, 2024

Baby Jude, A Birth Story

He was born on June 12, 2024. 6/12/24. A fun date for a birthday and makes it easier for me to remember when I'm talking to the pediatricians office on the phone... but now it's September and I'm writing it down. It was a lot for me emotionally. I prepared so much for a VBAC birth by listening to hours of birth podcasts, walking often, constantly managing my blood sugars to reduce the risk of early induction. But, once I was at the hospital, I didn't quite know how to make the VBAC happen without contradicting what the hospital wanted to do (pitocin induction) and basically I was too scared my body couldn't handle all of labor (so I got an epidural). 

Jude is such a beautiful and well mannered lil baby! and I'm so glad because postpartum has been challenging enough for me mentally as it is. I cant imagine the additional mental stress if he was colicky.

All through the May non stress tests, my amniotic fluid levels were great (8.8, 8.19, 11), baby movement great, passing all the heart rate increase requirements in a non stress test, and blood pressure was great.

May 21 - 35 weeks, blood pressure 123/68

May 28- 36 weeks 117/23

May 31- 37 weeks 120/73

June 4- 38 weeks 119/77

then June 7, at my OB appt, blood pressure 136/80 and a recheck a bit later at that same appointment, 124 over something

My OB, Theresa Kurtz had fully supported a VBAC after 2 c sections, which I was pleased about. She seemed very impressed with my blood sugar, I was taking baby aspirin every day to prevent pre-eclampsia. She noted that we would try not to induce at all (which, granted, was nicer than at Ella's birth when the hospital required a 39 week induction) but if my blood pressure was high she would recommend we induce- but I was sensing that seemed unlikely due to my great health! Everyone was praising me for my blood sugars. I'd like to blame her for not properly warning me that she thought my pressure going high was likely, but that's probably not fair? I don't know. and wish I did.

June 11- 38 weeks 4 days. 137/84

10:45am Went in for my non stress test- which went great, baby moving, except for my high blood pressure. re check, 138/79. another re check a bit later, 134/98. Went in for ultrasound, measuring good. Estimated weight at 6lbs 14oz. the doctor there that day was worried about elevated bp and made a call to Dr. Kurtz. When relaying the message to me of what she said, she suggested staying that day and being induced, he said thats what Dr Kurtz expected to happen- and I felt offended. 

She had not used the word "expected" with me! and I felt blindsided. and annoyed. The baby was moving great, I felt fine, and I didn't want to be induced as that reduces the possibility of a VBAC.  at 2pm, 151/98. Kathy had come with me to this doctors appointment and was so reassuring. 

The nurses were getting me ready to stay at the hospital and it felt surreal knowing my baby would arrive soon and I felt bothered, weak minded, and useless because it wasn't how I wanted it to go. But I didn't feel brave enough to refuse an induction because-- was that safe? feeling like I wasn't brave for my own birth made me feel sad and small. So of course I was teary- and annoyed at feeling so. So many feelings! 

I was quite hungry and the nurses said I couldn't eat if I was being induced- which made me angry also! Dr Kurtz had said I could eat anytime, even if being induced, up until I had an epidural! But she must've gotten confused at the hospital rules, as she works at both the Univ. of Utah hospital and this one (Imed, in Murray) and they had different rules (my angel nurse told me this later. She also works at both hospitals). I hadn't even started pitocin yet, in hindsight, I wish I would've eaten lunch first, then gone in to start induction. and been more patient. 

2:40pm pitocin started at 1. 

thankfully I was 3cm dilated and didn't need a foley balloon catheter to help the induction. only pitocin. my podcasts had told me to go "low and slow" with the pitocin, but I realized I didn't actually know what levels were considered low and slow! The goal was to achieve contractions 4-5 minutes apart, and stall pitocin levels at that point. 

3:19pm 136/90 pitocin up to 3

4:45pm 180/95 

it got so high at this point I believe because I was arguing with the nurse about eating. because-

4:55pm 139/91 

5 something pm pitocin up to to 5

7pm pitocin 7 (the highest it goes is 20)

7:57pm 123/79

8:09pm I got wireless heart rate and contraction monitors- called Monica Monitors. My nurse was so supportive of them and they were night and day better. I could move around so easily and wasn't tethered. 

8:30pm 137/77

9pm pitocin 11

12am-1:30am tough contractions 3-4min apart- dilated 4cm

2:10am ish epidural

pops in my back, shivering, crying!, old guy anesthesiologist

2:40am resident broke bulging water, almost 5cm 90% effaced. But a nurse checked also and said 5 almost 6cm and 100% effaced.

3am switched to insulin drip-104 blood sugar

slight heart rate dips on contrations- head pushing against cervix

got more epidural. shivery. legs tense. tried massage. nurse was like what is this.

rested. woke up to baby's heart low, flipped on all fours. My legs were dead weights. tree trunks. didn't work to elevate heart rate. wheeled me to the O.R.

Heart rate came back up then down again. Dr. Hammad asked if I wanted to keep laboring. But then the heart rate would decel and he recommended a c section. I said yes. I was glad he recommended it because my body did not feel fit to get to 10cm and then push. So shivery. no stregth because I was so numb.couldn't move a thing or push. nauseas. 

Baby deilvered by c section 5:14am. Wrapped and Brent had him right by my face. I felt such relief. His eyes were open and his mouth would open and close like he was ready to nurse right away. placenta abruption. I remember Dr. Ahmed saying it's spraying everything. I felt A LOT of tugging. was so scary. 

Wheeled back to room in the beautiful morning light. The nurse placed him on my chest, skin to skin, and he latched right away to eat. Brent played the Beatles Hey Jude on repeat. My angel nurse was so nice to me. we did the vaccine in his eyes and the vitamin K shot (these are required by Utah law I'm pretty sure, not that I'm an anti vaxxer, but I just didn't want this tiny baby given stuff so soon), but waited for the Hepatitis vaccine till his 2 month pediatrician appointment. 

Thursday, July 7, 2022

England Trip 2022

Seeing Thellie was wonderful- it was sweet to see Lucy offer her a chocolate or ask if she wanted to sit with us for dinner. It was an unexpected exciting thing to find the clothesline- I did several loads of wash at thellie's and Ella and I would stretch out the line in the back garden in the breeze and clohespin all the things on it- it was like therapeutic.

On the flight home, there were no sick bags in the seat pockets. Every once in a while I need one, so I saved a pretzel bag in case it was needed. And boy was it needed. Lucy felt like she was about to throw up right when we landed, so I quickly handed it to her. It was like 4 or 5 rounds of sick. and it started to drip out the bag, so I quickly started holding it in my hands over the aisle- I felt like a supermom. Meanwhile, Ella starts crying profusely because she is so grossed out by the situation, immediately followed by patronizing exasperation, "I can't believe Lucy would throw up! That is so disgusting of her. Get it away!" 

The lady behind me offers gum. We take it. I offer one to Lucy- Ella is annoyed that I am even offering the mint gum to her sister because she thinks its for her! The flight attendant gives us a bag. Ella is offended that I didn't ask for a tissue because she was crying. 

Lucy finishes, smiles, smells her breath in her hand, and says, "not too bad."

the girls, and all of us loved the double decker buses. we rode on them in Norwich quite a bit, and took a open air double decker around London to tour it. It was embarrassingly touristy, but SUCH a good choice. our girls didn't complain about walking and we could see everything. 
These were the ancient ruins called Thetford Priory, it was a monastery hundreds of years ago. The girls climbed all over it and it was a nice break on our long drive from Norwich to London. I love ruins they are so ... romantic? like in a dreamy super old, mysterious, fantastical sort of way?
We rented this electric boat on the Wensom river in Norwich. it wasn't as cool as we had hoped. we wanted to sail by the city, but we didn't rent it long enough to sail all the way over there. instead we passed by a sewage outlet that was very stinky. and a lot of nice trees as well- but still underwhelming. 
Now that I home, I feel a bit anxious that whenever I try to teach important life lessons- ella always in annoyed by it. i guess that is fairly normal- but at only 8 years old?! i guess i expected it more from a teenager.