Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas Cheer

We put up Christmas lights on our house for the first time in our marriage and it is lovely. It also matches our neighbors lights and so it kind of feels like we have more lights than we do. Bonus. Brent spent all day on the roof attaching them- what a brave guy. Can you imagine breaking his back for something as frivolous as Christmas lights? I was reigning in those sorts of thoughts all day. 

Brent also said after he was done that thinking about getting up on the roof again to take them down made him a bit nauseous. Yikes.

The girls don’t play as often on our cute hand me down piano as maybe they should- mainly because it’s in brents office so they don’t play it during the day or it’s too obnoxious. But now, they’ve kind of forgotten about it in general because it’s out of sight out of mind. Which really is a shame now I’m thinking on it. Anyway- Lucy got a hankering for a little song the other day- and the light was so lovely coming in from the window outlining her hair and highlighting her little 4 year old voice and made up song- it was a sweet mom moment. 

We got a couch upgrade. It’s a Lovesac sectional. While i won’t pretend i love it as a stylistic choice- is a crushed velvet gigantic sofa- it is super comfy and spacious and doubles as a kid playground. As well as how we can configure it into different shapes as it’s a modular sofa. It is really nice.

Christmas is so soon! Christmas lights have been really magical this year for me- there are so many in grantsville!  and seeing Lucy play with the nativity scenes so much. I’m nervous about Christmas Day living up to the hype. But i always seem to be nervous about that. It’s been a good Christmas though all in all. I have a lot to be grateful for.