Monday, April 29, 2019

Spring, Our house, Mosquitos, and flowers

This spring has been so refreshing and beautiful. It's been raining more than usual and you can tell when you look at the grass and plants! really lovely. Especially the tulip and daffodil bulbs that my mother in law put in the front yard because they grow without any help from me! and they are a beauty. The weather is such a breath of fresh air.

We are park regulars these days, too. Sunscreen and bug spray aplenty (the mosquitos are crazy because it rained so much. our smarty neighbor was telling us about the life cycle of a mosquito and how the rain makes them come out!)

I feel more settled into Grantsville and that is noticeable by the amount of playdates we've had. the girls love them and i love them. moms need each other.
Here's some more if you'd like to see:

 The girls overturn these rocks and find worms and roly polys and such. Ella is holding a big guy, though its kind of hard to tell here. she was quite excited.
 We go visit our lot pretty much every day. We are building a house in the middle of Grantsville and they will be framing soon. The girls LOVED climbing those big dirt hills- its a miracle nobody got hurt on them. They would climb to the top and slide down the dirt on their bums, in skirts and all. That dirt was getting in places I don't want to know about. The hills are gone now.

I have so many decisions to make about the finishes of the house and I'm quite nervous about it. What sort of flooring? will white cabinets be too boring? if I go white, do I want a creamy white or a crisp white? Should I do light wood flooring or a darker wood? Will the stain of the wood clash with stain of the wood dining table I have? I should not be basing my floor color on my dining table. So many decisions and I want to love all of them, not just like them fine. Anyway.

 I've been potty training Lucy for about a month. It is... terrible. I don't understand how she is learning so slowly, its very discouraging. I want to throw in the towel... but I feel like what little progress we've made so far I don't want to lose. Then I think, it will just click when she's ready, but when will that be? Ella was not this long of a process. She was about 4-5 months older. Right now, Lucy is 2 1/2, thirty-one months to be exact. hopefully things will get better soon.
For Easter, we made these bunny cupcakes and they were so easy and cute. My family came to Grantsville (my parents and Joel- Sham and Sherrie couldn't come unfortunately) and we had a crockpot roast with rainbow carrots (which turned out quite yummy if I do say so) and my sister in law Natalie planned a darling easter egg hunt that was just perfect for the kids.
happy easter to all, xoxo

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