Friday, May 24, 2019


I feel anxious about riding the fine line between giving my kids too much attention and not enough.
I need to play with my children, give them a free childhood, let them experience enough boredom, talk to them while they eat their lunch. But at what point am I giving them too much attention? I also need to teach them they can't play all day every day. Chores are required with life. I just read Lucy 4 books, if I want/need to do the dishes instead of read a 5th book I shouldn't feel like her childhood is slipping through my fingers. I find it hard. 

Ella had her last day of preschool yesterday. They sang songs for the parents and I felt like I was the only one crying about how sweet and smart and cute Eleanor is. Though I can't have been the only one! 

Lucy is very excited to go to preschool in the fall- I'm nervous about it because she's not potty trained yet, but I know she would ADORE school- her birthday is in the end of September, so she would have 3 years of preschool before kindergarten. we shall see.
They put the shingles on our house today! I'm a little bummed our house doesn't have a "cuter" shape- but whatever. It will look fabulous. I'm thinking a deep blue exterior with white molding around those windows and along the roof line.

It's been raining a ton lately. look at these clouds we saw today! 

1 comment:

  1. ooooh yes! I love the idea of deep blue with white molding. Can't wait to see the finished product!
