Friday, July 10, 2020

Hiking and anxiety

We hiked Deseret peak as a family and it was SO BEAUTIFUL the trees reminded me of growing up in North Carolina which made it even more enjoyable- along with all the shade. There were a lot of flies though...  we liked it so much, we came the next day and Brent and Ella and cousin Kaden made it all the way to the top. 

 Me and Lucy did not make it. But she did fall asleep while i was carrying her piggy back ride down the mountain and was VERY EXCITED to watch toy story four on my phone in the car while we waited for Brent and the kids to return. I feel some guilt about Lucy watching a movie instead of exploring, but we did just spend 3 ish hours on the mountain and she was pretty well spent. So I’ll just appreciate her excitement and not think about it!
 A bit unrelated, but i am feeling a lot of anxiety about school in the fall. Ugh. As I’m sure so many parents are. The Utah governor just required all school kids must wear masks- which i totally understand but feel anxious about how that can hinder The teaching and be such a nuisance In general. Ella is SO looking forward to first grade and i don’t want her to miss out if i decide to home school (which i could seriously never do in reality- cue more anxiety. I’m sure there is some distance learning that will happen- which i am bummed about but grateful for.

You know, in writing all this i realize i actually have a lot. We have our health and the opportunity to learn in some way. also, a reminder to me that kids are stronger and more resilient than i give them credit for.

Speaking of- i am writing this in the middle of the night after being woken up to the very weird experience of Ella waking up and squatting to pee in the air vent in her room.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Don’t mention it to Ella or she will be embarrassed. :) and I’m assuming she won’t remember in the morning. But it WAS BIZARRE. She never has bed wetting troubles or anything of the sort so it was very left field.

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