Monday, October 19, 2020

Charleston, SC and politics

Just me and Brent went on a trip to Charleston for my good friends wedding. Ive never been before, but at the same time, the humidity and green and balmy nights were so familiar from growing up in Charlotte. It was so fun. We flew on delta which had spaces between each passenger which of course was luxurious, we and everyone else wore our masks, but other than that and individualized snack bags instead of the cart it felt just like normal travel. 

Charleston’s old houses were so lovely and colorful and felt French and southern and colonial all at the same time. 

Lucy was helping me pack before hand and we got a bit Carried away trying everything on and she wanted to do a fashion show and on and on as four year olds do. 
The rehearsal dinner was on a pavilion right by this pier on Folly Beach and it was so breezy and nice. It felt like i was in a Nicholas sparks novel. Also, may i say, i am thankful for Brents talent of trip planning and managing travel logistics. Also, how he blends in with my high school friends. We have our disagreements, but he is so talented and good on the inside. Ha. And the outside. 
I was really moved by the Spanish moss and regular moss on the walls and steps and all the trees especially the oaks! and the palmettos and plants that i don’t have in Utah. As an adult I’ve realized how different plants change the whole feel of a place and i look for it on trips. I did in Hawaii (the monkey pod trees and the wild chickens) and in California (the palm trees and the flowers and the fruit trees everywhere!)

I’m so grateful that my mom watched the kids this weekend. And she had to jump through hoops to do it. My dad was possibly exposed to COVID the day before, so my mom had to go stay with my aunt while his test results came back just in case. He came back negative, thankfully. Also, i had the mildest of fevers (99.4) so i got tested as well (wasn’t too bad. A middle of the nose swab instead of the far back one. Got tested outside at a clinic after a telemedicine call confirming that i should get the test as a precaution since i was about to get on a plane.) thankfully i didn’t have it either

After she finished watching my kids all weekend, she slept for thirteen hours that night!! Girlfriend does not lose her energy with the grandkids and it is and amazing and beautiful thing. 

Also, she worked some magic with Ella because she seems so much more excited about doing her 20 min of daily reading for school now after my mom was with her! I’m not sure what happened, but when we read together now she is in more confident! It is a joy to see

I’m filling out my mail in ballot this weekend and boy is there a lot of research to be done to find out which people and propositions deserve my vote! I feel fairly confident in my vote for Biden and Kamala Harris as I’ve researched them more. But for all the other things that haven’t been as obvious to look into- it’s taking some time! Phew. 

 I’m anxious and interested to see how things turn out. Politics are so heated these days

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog! I am a lucky mom to have such a wonderful daughter. Your husband is a delight and I enjoy picking on him. Hope he doesn't mind.
