Thursday, March 19, 2020

Staying at Home

We've stayed at home since last Thursday afternoon. With an exception of picking up takeout on Saturday.

And also of going to Wal-mart to pick up milk. The store didn't have any free pick up times this week and they don't deliver to my house. I won't go out again though. I was pretty anxious. But then, I saw people shopping, not wiping down their carts like it was another normal day. Which made me feel insecure for a minute about being intense.

Anyway, I'll do the best I can.

The girls are doing better than I thought staying at our house, the sweeties. We do arts and crafts and all sorts of things moms at home have to think of to do. Ha, that's not too new. Of course moms on Instagram have helped (playing with duplo blocks in the bath, eating popsicles in the bath, baking soda and vinegar explosion fun).

Though they do fight too- which is hard for me to sort through- but of course that will happen.

When we say a prayer over our dinner, Lucy is usually enthusiastic about being the one to say it. I'll give you some examples of what she says:

-Thank you for Christmas
-Thank you for Mom and Dad, and for my sister, and for me
-Thank you for Michelle Obama

3 year old's little minds are darling. I've been reading Michelle Obama's autobiography, "Becoming" and it has a really beautiful and big photo of Michelle on the front. Lucy seemed a bit taken with it. So I guess it made an impression!

Also, it is so tender to hear her be thankful for her family (and I don't even prompt it! wild) and I love she includes herself.

Fingers crossed we can get through this thing and be better for it. Love to all.
Ella took this photograph and what a candid realistic moment it is!

 We took in a stray cat about 2-3 months ago and the girls still adore him. Brent doesn't. I'm in the middle.
This partially disgusting "play dough" rainbow ice cream is a favorite of some... Ella got herself some a while back. AND SHE GOT A TON, BUT SHE PUT IN TWO SPOONS SO WE COULD SHARE TOGETHER. I mean.

It's wild how I don't really love being a mother all the time, but here we are when I write about it, I feel very postitive about it.

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