Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Some Joy

I love watercolor paintings. I love the way the colors bleed into each other and the water makes all the colors bloom into different shades. I've seen some people (Joanna Gaines for instance!) do some paintings and I'm jealous. It's been a tiny dream in my mind for a few years to take watercolor classes. 

THEN I saw on Instagram that the artist Sarah Nightingale was doing a free watercolor painting class video. She showed me what paint to buy which wasn't too expensive!

Anyway, it's not too hard to make watercolor look decently good. and its bringing me a lot of joy to paint. Especially today while Brent played Sweet Caroline on the guitar and I painted while the girls were getting dressed in their room for their little fashion show! I was feeling a lot of joy and that was so nice to feel right now.

Also, yesterday we went to visit our horse neighbors and fed them apples and grass and it was like balm to the soul with how nice the weather was and happy we were and how beautiful the horses are!

 We dont know the horses real names (the owners are not actually our neighbors even though the horses are. I think they just lease the land to board them? I don't know exactly.

But the girls named them Cookie and Brownie. They are just beautiful and shaggy with winter coats it looks like.

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