Sunday, April 19, 2020

Happy Birthday Brent

I am looking through a lot of old photos right now as my icloud storage is full, my google drive storage- full. I have an external hard drive and I need to figure out if I should put everything on there- but what if the hard drive breaks or fails?! I've heard of that happening and it sounds devastating. Cloud storage has gotta be the way to go. So now I'm working out Amazon drive- the storage that comes with Amazon Prime. So.. it gives me a tiny headache. 

Last week was Brent's 32nd birthday! That handsome devil. He's such a good guy to me and I'm grateful.
We went to the Salt Flats, an hour and a half ish away and it was pretty cool. But maybe a bit underwhelming I hate to say. It was salt almost as far as the eye could see up to the mountains. There were a few other people there, but not very many.

Quarantine-ing is tricky. I love not having certain times to be any place. and I do think Ella and Lucy are becoming better friends!! But, my body image is kinda suffering. And I go up and down in my emotions. Ella's birthday is coming up on May 19th and she is feeling worried that her birthday won't be fun. Frankly, I'm nervous it won't be either. I feel like she has high expectations and can be picky and sometimes nothing can deliver for her. I'll do my best. 

fyi I just finished reading the book, "Maybe You Should Talk to Someone" about a therapist and her patients and it was really interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I love that my granddaughters are getting closer, I hope they become best friends. We often struggle with our body images [i say this as i eat a second glazed dounut ] So after this dounut I will take a walk :-)
