Friday, March 2, 2012

Dr. Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson at the podium there in the Marriott Center. I know it looks like
nobody is at the podium... but you can see his blazer just barely...
When I was in high school, I read a really good book titled, Gifted Hands. My mom had showed me the book, it was the autobiography of Dr. Ben Carson, the first doctor to successfully separate Siamese twins joined at the head.

It was quite good, as Dr Carson has a way unusual and inspiring story. He grew up in the projects of Detroit with a single mother who only had a third grade education. He also attributes God for all of his talents and talks in the book about how God has played a huge hand in his life. It is wonderful.

But the awesome thing, he came to BYU to give a forum! Which we have every Tuesday at 11am in the Basketball arena and either a religious leader or a scholarly leader presents. It felt really special to be able to listen to someone who I read about and admired in high school.

Dr Carson was wonderful. Inspirational and funny, with a story that defies all odds.

And I can't help but post another engagement photo... humor me, please :)

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