Monday, October 3, 2011

Late Poster

Lookin so classy with that beard, Dad. 

These photos of dad are A+. Excellent work... I know where I get my good looks from :) 
I must admit, I have been going crazy at school. I'm struggling to stay afloat in my classes but I am having a blast (minus the stress from aforesaid struggling). Last Wednesday on the news, I didn't complete my video before deadline which was a blow to my ego- and the video wasn't even all that great. I have a quiz in 3 hours that I haven't quite prepared for, and I still need to plan an activity for Saturday for church. 
Doing rough over here, but doing it with a smile. God, does that count for something? 
Love to all, xoxo


  1. Yes - you both get your good looks from your Grandpa Pinky! Now its my lucky day because your Auntie Thellie is staying with me. You get some of your good looks from her. It was nice to talk to you on the phone the other day.
    Sorry you are so overwhelmed with work and school.
    We just loved your video and it is our unbiased opinion that it was better than any we had ever seen.

  2. I'm sorry you've been so overwhelmed have such a great attitude. Love you!
