Wednesday, July 27, 2011

home life

I gotta be honest. Its a lot harder to blog when you're not seeing things like 3rd century churches and Michelangelo's sculptures every day. But, I'm being hard hearted. I'm not really giving Provo a fair shot. The mountains covered in green are a treat to see every day. And it IS so good to be back with my Provo family.
You can see the Y on the mountain in the back, and that little curly
Q sidewalk over the road is what I would walk over to go from
work to school every day last semester. Photo from here
 My trip from London to Salt Lake was a dream compared with the rockiness Deanna and I experienced getting to Norwich (what with her having to fork out $700 for both our train tickets to London and then having to worry about her over withdrawing her account every time we paid for something, which was a $30 fee for EACH transaction!)

Dee and I caught the taxi from Thel's at some horrible hour like 3am (per usual.. we had quite a few early mornings that week!) and got to the coach station in plenty of time to catch our ride to London. From there, we parted ways as she was going to Gatwick and I to Heathrow. Easy as pie. The only bother was having to heave around my 98384748 lb. suitcase up and down the Tube stairs and trying not to knock people out with it on the train. Who packed that suitcase, eh? Not me...
who misses europe? i do. i do.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that you are finally back in Utah now that I have read it on your blog! We had John's birthday last night. Pizza, cupcakes and a movie called "Rango". (I would like to say the movie was an academy award winner - but cannot honestly say that!) Wish you were here - miss you...Now looking forward to your Auntie Thellies trip to see us this fall. Thinking about you. Cheerio!
